Troubled by the find, she tests the gauntlet out and it leads her to the real dagger. Placing the gift in a vase, she busily admires it as Hook returns and persuades her into reciting a pirate's oath, in which neither of them must ever speak about the dagger to each other or anyone else. The Black Fairy then kidnaps Mother Superior and teleports out, but before Gideon can follow her out, Mr. Gold clamps his wrist with a cuff to disable his magic. She wakes up in a cold sweat and goes looking for Mr. Gold, whom she sees is in the basement secretly spinning gold thread and working on magic. Eye color: They pronounced the patient, 65, dead at the scene but 30 minutes later he was breathing again. As Mr. Gold hands back the dagger, he proposes to Belle, which she happily accepts by putting down the weapon and drawing him into an embrace. Billy takes the rejection in stride and leaves. When Samuel awakens, he relates a fabricated tale about how acquired his wound as she researches healing methods. For his selfless behavior, Belle professes that she doesn't need to travel the world to know she wants to be with him. Before he can, Lumiere entraps the Wicked Witch with his flames. During the diner celebration welcoming David and Mary Margaret's newborn son, Belle and Mr. Gold walk in as Zelena's time spell is activated. When Grand Pabbie meets Belle, he turns her memories into a stone, telling her to return to where she lost her memories, brew a tea with the stone in a kettle and drink it to remember everything. Species: Belle begs Emma not to hurt Gideon because he is only evil due to the Black Fairy's influence, and truly believes if Emma helps Gideon through this, he will come to the side of good. The belt Belle wears while on the hunt for the, The cape Belle wears when she is returning to the. Another illustration from the book can also be seen. Losing hope, Elsa wonders if Anna put her in the urn, just as the Snow Queen claimed, and that her sister doesn't want to be found. Rumplestiltskin, although not pleased with a stranger in his castle, agrees not to kill him. She calls Mr. Gold and tries to give more details about Hook, but he can't hear her through the bad reception. Belle is based on Beauty from the fairy tale "Beauty and the Beast"; and on the character of the same name from . With encouragement from Mother Superior, Belle dumps the vial's contents on the rock; causing a stream of magic to shoot out and begin covering a barrier over Storybrooke. Storybrooke Character When Merida shows up to kill Belle on Emma's orders, Belle and Mr. Gold barricade themselves in the back room. She talks to him about the book, to which he tells her how he died after trying to be compassionate and forgiving as she once preached. He relents to her idea after she demands his cooperation if he wants a future with her. After Hook probes him about the sword and dagger's connection, Arthur admits knowing the dagger is Excalibur's missing blade, and when combined together, it can extinguish the darkness, but in Emma's hands, she may use it to snuff out the light. Wish Belle There, she is startled by the elevator coming up and readies herself with a weapon, bracing for whoever will step out, only for the door to reveal Mr. Gold, who is hiding from Merida. Uneasy at the woman's presence, she asks if they were friends. Latest appearance: Mr. Gold proves his innocence by giving Emma a dream catcher to look into the memories of Archie's dog Pongo, who witnessed his owner's death. Belle doesn't believe her and instead thinks Zelena is afraid of giving Hades a chance. Mr. Gold admits it wasn't enough since he didn't believe anyone could love him, to which Belle asserts she knew what she was getting into with him and wasn't going to back out. Later that night, Greg, who was the driver in the car crash, visits Belle in her room. A plan is formed to gather the nuns for the creation of the counterspell while Elsa and Emma use a locator spell to find Anna. That night, Belle says goodbye to her father, before heading into the car and driving away. Only when Belle regains the box, John and Michael admit they are helping Pan because he has their sister Wendy, but she persuades them that the box is essential to freeing Wendy. Suddenly, a guest from Neverland, Ariel, brings Belle a sand dollar from Mr. Gold. Storming into the pawnshop, they request Mr. Gold's assistance, and he only agrees after much imploring from Belle. While she is on a diner date with Will, Hook pulls Belle aside for a chat and tells her about Regina going undercover and finding out Cruella, Maleficent and Ursula are seeking the Author to change their stories. Mr. Gold, overcome with emotion, believes they now have a fresh start, though Belle heartily corrects him by saying it's a happy beginning. Fleeing, she stumbles out just before Mr. Gold, on Zelena's command, tells them to stay out of the way or risk death. Really, really loved me. Teary-eyed, Belle remarks that she hopes he found what he was looking for. She sees a recollection of Regina killing Archie in cold blood, though no one is aware it is actually Cora masquerading as the madam mayor. ("A Bitter Draught"), After Belle moves into one of the rooms below deck, David visits her, with a cassette tape from Mr. Gold. She learns he's not a womanizer, although he is looking to meet a woman with a strong character like Belle's. Before they set out, Belle overhears Neal talking to Prince Charming and Snow White about going to his father's castle to find some way to Emma and Henry, but the couple insist crossing the realm is impossible as well as the fact neither will have any recollection of him. Beauty and the Beast: An Old Tale New-Told, with Pictures. Belle then questions whether the two of them actually came to buy anything, so Cruella asks her to find something fashionable to adorn her car hood. Soon, they are approached by King Arthur and his knights, who believe they are prophesied to reunite them with Merlin. Mr. Gold promises to never forget what he once was and what he is now. Belle insists she doesn't know "Morpheus", but the latter reveals he is her unborn child. She then goes over a list, noting out loud which of their guests are bringing balloons, cake, and bubble wands, before Mr. Gold persuades her to calm down and that the party will be fine as long as Gideon has fun getting birthday cake all over his face. Belle affirms that the cup has no magic in it, as it's a souvenir from Doc's birthday party, but David takes it anyway, having a plan of his own. Fearing Hades could do the same to her, Belle mournfully concludes that time is not on her side. She also gives the Her Handsome Hero book to her, and asks her to read it to her son often as proof his mother is always close to him. Mr. Gold goes on to tell her about the prophecy a seer gave him a long time ago that a certain someone will be his undoing, which he takes to mean his death will occur because of that person. Belle, accepting his reasons, reconciles with him. Belle's passion for fantastical stories, coupled with . David explains Elsa is looking for her sister, Anna, whose pendant she found in the pawnshop. Belle Gold (ne French), briefly known as Lacey, is a fictional character in ABC's television series Once Upon a Time. Regina asks if it belongs to Belle. "Leaving Storybrooke" However, a shaken Emma flees and drives off in her car. She goes to peek at the inside of the building from the outside window, but is distracted and then kidnapped by William Smee, who brings her to Moe. Wish Realm self: Human Relatives: They all regroup with Hook, Neal and Tinker Bell at the vault, where Regina took "Henry" for protection, though the door is locked. After Belle has a bout of morning sickness, Zelena casually mentions she never went through that, since Emma sped up her pregnancy. Unveiling a mirror, Belle's reflection taunts her about being a coward by having once valued a stone over Anna's life. Going by Merlin's final message to them about Nimue being their only hope of defeating the Dark One, Mr. Gold suggests researching The Dark One Chronicles to learn more about her. Pawnshop co-owner (formerly)Librarian (formerly)Castle servant (formerly) Succumbed to old age They kiss, with true love's kiss momentarily lifting Mr. Gold's darkness, before Belle pulls away, having regained her memories. He also returns Gideon's heart to him before undoing his binds, to which Gideon is happily welcomed home by both of his parents. Belle witnesses Regina being thrown into the clock tower by Zelena, who later flees on her broomstick. With Lacey's approval, he is inches away from stamping his foot in Dr. Whale's face when Neal rushes out of the bed and breakfast to stop the dispute. After the women leave, Belle receives a phone from Emma about Cruella and Ursula's suspicious behavior. She also tells him off for trying to be someone he is not, and that she can still see him for who he truly is. The whole group is then led to King Arthur's castle in Camelot. He states it can be found with "the strength of their love", leading her to find the chipped cup, which she places in the cupboard. Deceased She persuades Gaston into letting her decipher the ogre's intentions by consulting a magical antiquities book. These are recommendations made by Tropers for Once Upon a Time fanfics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. ("Family Business", "Her Handsome Hero", "Out of the Past"), After Belle has grown into a young woman, Maurice tries to interest her in a suitor, Gaston, whom she believes is vain and a notorious womanizer as the rumors say he is. With the terms satisfied, Ursula pushes Belle, who falls into Rumplestiltskin's arms, as the sea witch and her allies disappear. During their carriage ride, she reasons if he lets the thief go unharmed, people will stop seeing him as a beast. After returning her heart, Mr. Gold walks out. Relevant Pages Wish Realm self: ("Siege Perilous"), Believing Emma is responsible for Mr. Gold's disappearance, Belle goes with Regina, Robin and Hook to break into Emma's house while she is away. After Mr. Gold opens the door with magic, the group find an unconscious Regina and discover Pan took the Dark Curse scroll. Hudson originally lost weight thanks to Weight Watchers, and has kept it off long-term by being very careful about what she eats. Emma tells Belle that she is hesitant to believe Gideon can change after everything she's seen him do, however, she ends up giving Gideon a chance when Mr. Gold informs her about the threat the Black Fairy poses to Storybrooke. Upon his return to United that summer, Tuanzebe was anticipating more game time for his parent club in 2019/20, but sustained thigh and ankle injuries to disrupt his campaign. The nuns return safely, and while everyone basks in the reunion, none of them see a Chernabog being released from the hat and flying off. ("Out of the Past"), Later, in conversation, she learns the small clothing in one of the rooms belongs to Rumplestiltskin's son. Seeing Hook's concern for Emma, whom Jekyll reports is out searching for Hyde and the Queen, Belle encourages him to go find her. ("Firebird"), Upon his return to Storybrooke, Mr. Gold unsuccessfully tries to intimidate Moe into waking Belle with true love's kiss, but the latter refuses, out of spite against him. Via the chip, he can interface with the internet and computer systems anywhere he goes. She tries to thank him for healing her, but he avoids the topic of magic, which disappoints her. For the kingdom's sake, Belle accepts the proposal. She dbuts in the third episode of the first season. When she further implores the Dark One about his past, Rumplestiltskin responds by sending her to fetch straw, and he'll tell her his tale when she returns. After she orders him into doing so, Mr. Gold professes that he did not know Elsa was trapped in the urn and that he doesn't know her or Anna, though it is a lie, as the dagger is a fake. (From. In fact, Regina has given her false memories to replace the ones she lost previously. She is more trustworthy of him since their phone conversation and believes that he wants to help her regain memories. In a final goodbye, Belle names her son Gideon, after the hero in the book. ("Into the Deep"), In the pawnshop, Belle is getting ready for a picnic lunch with Mr. Gold when Emma, David and Mary Margaret arrive. Mother Superior recalls being ambushed by the Black Fairy, whom she fought against vigilantly, only to lose and for the latter to kidnap the baby. Once inside, Hook studies a board complied with information concerning the missing nuns, and in anger over the lack of progress, he knocks it off the wall. Biographical Information Catching her off guard, Rumplestiltskin accosts her for snooping, and though he did say that she could, this was to test how she would react in his absence. OUAT-Inset. The 34-year-old actress announced the exciting baby news via Twitter, and she even revealed her celebrity baby name choice too - letting her fans know she became a mummy to a little girl named Vera Audrey. To reveal the identity of the bean thief, David spots a chalice in the pawnshop and decides to utilize it. What has Rebel Wilson said about weight loss? He suggests that she take a break, and then he switches on the vinyl player to play the same song he and Belle waltzed to in the Sorcerer's mansion. None have crossed this sea; it lacks water altogether, yet fish are cast up upon the beach of various kinds, very tasty, and the like are nowhere else to be seen. Rumplestiltskin agrees, but then giddily tells her that he loves his things more than power, much to her disappointment. On the way there, Mulan can go no further as her wound is getting worse and entrusts Belle with the task of killing the Yaoguai. Instead, Belle comes clean about the part of the prophecy she omitted and explains what he must do after her death in order to be led back to her. ("Beauty"), At some point during their travel, Belle and Mr. Gold visit the Wandering Oaken's Trading Post in Arendelle. David suggests Belle utilize tracking skills, but she'd rather research at the library. Belle accepts his reasons and asks him to come back to her after everything is over. Belle, upon noticing Gideon beside the fairy, lets him know that no matter what he's done to help the Black Fairy, he can always come back to their side. ("Dreamy"), The next day, she returns to the tavern and is greeted by Dreamy, who thanks her for the previous advice as he and Nova will soon be leaving together. He states it wasn't his intention, but will use it as an advantage. Completing the trio, Cruella steps out to pressure Rumplestiltskin into paying the ransom, but he only gives up the gauntlet once Belle's heart is almost crushed by Ursula. After fleeing into the woods, Belle tries to convince Merida to listen, however, the bear is soon distracted by Mr. Gold's presence. In an unknown library, Belle and her husband are pleased when Gideon announces he has been accepted into Elphame Academy. Both Belle and Gideon look on appreciatively as Mr. Gold tells them this, without them knowing he didn't actually kill the Black Fairy and instead formed a secret alliance with her. Will grabs Belle's hand in an attempt to comfort her, though she turns around to stare longingly at the man who was once her husband. You make me want to go back. Mr. Gold decides to go with the heroes to rescue his grandson, and though Belle wants to go too, he asks her to stay and keep the town safe with a cloaking spell. Pan claims to be Henry, as the two switched bodies and proves it by telling Emma something only the boy himself would know. She opens her pouch of fairy dust, sprinkling it on the Yaoguai, who turns back into a human man, Prince Phillip. She then departs with Mr. Gold; not knowing he is luring her away so Hook can help him absorb the nuns into the hat. Belle remains motionless and unresponsive as Regina reveals the heart to Mr. Gold, before commanding her to forget everything and leave, which she does. ROBERT CARLYLE. Heading back to the castle, Rumplestiltskin shows Belle an extensive library, gruffly denying that the room is for her and that he just needs her to clean everything. Mary Margaret explains that her own mother, Queen Eva, caused Cora's marriage to Leopold to fall through, which resulted in Zelena being abandoned. Privacy Settings Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: basic site functions ensuring secure, safe transactions After Emma and Regina temporarily stun the beast with their combined magic, Belle goes to look up information about the Chernabog at the library. Belle asks if he would change if he could now, and Mr. Gold swears he'd be the best man for her. By nightfall, Belle rushes to the town square with Mr. Gold, where they try to talk Gideon out of killing Emma. After receiving true love's kiss from him, Belle awakens, deciding she will heed her son's warning from now on. After he does, Belle orders him onto watch duty while she goes into the Snow Queen's lair. So when you look in the mirror and you don't know who you are, that's who you are. Defying her father and fianc, she agrees to the terms of the deal. With the nuns, Belle assists them at the diner when Mr. Gold arrives asking her to watch over the pawnshop. Believing there is good in his heart, Belle claims he loves something more than power. ("Ruby Slippers"), Under the sleeping curse, Belle's soul travels to the Netherworld. ("Family Business"), Belle deciphers a spell to give Emma the opportunity to capture Ingrid. ("Fall"), Once Ingrid's spell affects the town, Belle is put to sleep by Mr. Gold, and she remains in this state after Ingrid's spell comes to an end. Upon arriving at the outskirts of the palace, Regina discovers a protection spell, cast by whoever is currently residing inside, is keeping them from going in. When questioned about her romance with Will, Belle admits the relationship is new, and she's not completely over Mr. Gold, but he makes her happy. She is the main reality version of Belle. She is a single lady of a certain age and sings of her lust for Hollywood in a song called Bab's . Female Upon seeing him collapse, her attitude softens. In defiance of them, she storms out, going to the library to figure out Mr. Gold's location with a map. Rumplestiltskin then consoles Belle by stating they won't be able to hurt her now. In order to satisfy their skepticism, he allows Belle to command him, using the dagger, into revealing the truth. She calls him out for torturing the ogre during her absence earlier, while Gaston argues that ogres are evil and he didn't need a mirror to know that. From the Underworld, Mr. Gold sees this event through a crystal ball, after creating a spell in an attempt to locate his deceased child, Neal. After Hook discovers Eric's cloak, Belle pours a locator potion on it. ("The Jolly Roger"), After catching Regina sifting through items in the shop, Belle, still upset about being locked up for twenty-eight years, tells her to get lost. Later, she arrives at the pawnshop and slips one of the ultrasound scans under the door for Mr. Gold. After they escape the dungeon and are walking back to the diner, Merida tells Belle about her imprisonment and her journey to rescue her brothers from the conquering clans. Even with knowing how he got the limp, Belle believes he is heroic because he broke his own leg in order to be with Baelfire. She was cast as Agent Riley Neal in the show Intelligence, tasked with overseeing Gabriel Vaughn, a high-tech asset who is the only subject able to interface with an experimental chip implanted in his brain. Emma plays a camera recording, filmed when she was in a foster home, which reveals her then foster mother was the Snow Queen. Slipping into the shop, Mr. Gold carries her onto a bed, where he begins talking about the many debts he has acquired from his questionable actions. Mr. Gold, after pulling out Excalibur, leaves with Belle. On the way out, Mr. Gold grabs a potion and drives Belle to the town line, intent on escaping from Emma. The woman he had chosen for his idol the shrine at which his pure devotions of heart and soul were offeredwas a gay and beautiful Creole from New Orleans, who, with her mother, and a young gentleman who appeared in the capacity of friend . This cheers up Henry, who thanks her and endearingly calls her "Grandma", which makes Belle laugh and suggest he just refer to her by name. "Morpheus" returns to congratulate Belle for not falling for Mr. Gold's lies again, explaining that this was a test and that now that she's passed, he'll wake her with true love's kiss. Like how she was able to break Prince Phillip's curse when Mulan was just going to kill him as the yaoguai. Belle insists it won't happen as long as she's around, which makes Mr. Gold feel grateful that Gideon has her as a mother since he can't help but think that it is his family's destiny for children and mothers to always be separated. However, as a result of Wicked Witch of the West's interference, everyone's last recollection is the final day in Storybrooke when Regina stopped Pan's curse, but no one can recall anything further than that. While Mr. Gold is getting her discharged from the hospital, Belle packs up her belongings. Physical Description As the spell dictates, a candle must be lit with magic and then blown towards the target, which will form binds on the person's wrists. Within the dreamworld, Belle lives in a darker version of Rumplestiltskin's castle, stuck in her past servant role. Though Rumplestiltskin hopes for the same, he thinks his own ending won't be a happy one. In the basement, they see Excalibur in its stone and notice the sword's markings are the same as the Dark One's dagger. While Belle is researching ways to retrieve her lost memories, she wears a dress with embroidered roses, The yellow coat Belle is wearing when she sends, Belle appears in a set of photographs in "The Final Battle Part 1". In the process, she gradually loses more and more weight. Cause of death: Belle suspiciously questions her about the accident and the man who used magic to heal her. Once the heart is completely blackened, rather than dying, he'll lose his ability to love anything or anyone. ("Dreamcatcher"), Belle, with her allies, decides to use the Crimson Crown to summon Merlin, however, only a person chosen by the great sorcerer can do that. Mr. Gold witnesses them and shoves Keith off in the belief he is assaulting Lacey. She begins tugging the curtains let more light into the castle, but when she pulls too hard and falls, Rumplestiltskin catches her in time. After returning it, the sheriff reveals the thief's name is Robin Hood and tells them where to find him. Belle suggests she can babysit again if needed, though Zelena states that it's not necessary. "Skin Deep" In the aftermath, Zelena successfully makes off with the newborn as the last ingredient for her time spell, however, Regina herself defeats her sister with light magic. ("Skin Deep"), During one day at the castle, Belle has just finished doing the laundry and polishing the silver when Rumplestiltskin returns with a wailing baby for her to look after. Belle is the female protagonist of Disney's 1991 animated feature film, Beauty and the Beast. She makes him promise not to use the magic and seek revenge against Regina, which he agrees to. [4], Belle spends her time at a local tavern when she overhears a dwarf, Dreamy, tell his fellow brethren about how strange he is feeling. Suddenly, Emma calls the pair back into the pawnshop, telling them that Mother Superior is waking up after all. Believing Mr. Gold has come back, Belle sprints off and witnesses the door being rammed open, though the person is not her beloved, but Neal. Since then, the singer and actress went from a size 16 to a size 6 and has kept off her 80-pound weight loss for the past eight years. ("The Outsider"), Frantic and confused, she doesn't understand what is going on. As a customer, Zelena seeks Belle's help to pick out a baby gift for an expecting Mary Margaret. Inside the building, Mr. Gold admits bringing magic to Storybrooke because he doesn't know how to live without magic. Surprised, Belle thanks him, and he awkwardly puts her down. Dreamy thinks it's the perfect opportunity for Belle to have a real adventure. .in love, and his love was as pervading and absorbing as the fragrance of a flower, or the light of a star. Victoria Smurfit (born 31 March 1974) is an Irish actress. After reaching the diner, everyone discovers the truth. ("The Price"), Hoping to wake Mr. Gold from his coma, Belle puts together a healing spell, but she is unable to find the last ingredient, which has to be something that touched Mr. Gold when he was still just a man. Realizing he needs Belle and not Lacey, he magically reconstructs the chipped cup to its unbroken state. After this revelation, Zelena arrives to turn the two into flying monkeys and then immobilizes Prince Charming, Snow White and Regina as a terrified Belle looks on. You find goodness in others. Shortly after Mother Superior tells the heroes where the other half of the wand is hidden, the Black Fairy morphs out of her Snow disguise as Gideon sheds his David disguise, much to everyone's shock. Robin allows Zelena to feed the formula to her daughter, only because her powers aren't working, but as soon as Zelena's magic returns, she douses the trio with a blast and runs off with the baby. 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