None of the characters in the play have any idea of Iago's plans and evil intentions; Othello and Cassio are especially unaware of this knowledge. Roderigo believes him, blinded by his love for Desdemona, and sells his land to get money for gifts. The audience believes that this reason is inadequate and that it is only because of Othello's good fortune that he has decided to plot his revenge against Othello. Clearing away at the end of a lesson. Soliloquies are important in many plays due to the fact that it fills the audience in on whats happening or what is about to happen, such as Iagos motives and plans. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Othello by William Shakespeare. During the time of Shakespeare, females were often treated and viewed in society as second-rate to men. Also the fact that William Shakespeare only allows the main characters to speak the truth is in his soliloquies. What are some possible symbolic meanings of this change? They spot a ship coming forth; but Iago, Desdemona, and Emilia are on it, not Othello. To whom was it addressed? Do you agree with Iago or with Cassio? Analyze the text to determine the importance of figurative language and metaphors to character and plot development. Cassio views reputation, or honor, as a person's most valuable possession. Iago also uses quotes such as The Moor is of free and open nature that thinks men honest that but seem to be so, and will as tenderly be led by the nose as asses are. Cassio sees his reputation, his honor, as what makes him human. Get your custom essay on, What does Iagos use of language in his soliloquies reveal about his true character? The speed with which Othello is transformed from respected general to reviled outsider reveals the strength of prejudices more or less repressed by other characters throughout the majority of the play. "He'll be as full of quarrel and offense as my young mistress' dog" (II.iii.51-52). Iago's speech also plays on Othello's insecurities perfectly; he speaks of Othello's age, race, and manners as reasons why Desdemona will grow tired of him, which are also reasons why Othello fears he might lose her. Auden once said, "There is more than meets the eye", suggesting that there may be a hidden or deeper meaning behind a person's initial appearance. An illustration of text ellipses. As well as this references towards hell and damnation, there a several others. Yet, at the same time, when he tells of stabbing the Turk, he also stabs himself. Examine Iago's language at the end of Act Two. The show ran for five seasons, with a total of 150 half-hour episodes, 30 in black-and-white and 120 in color. Iago speaks to Roderigo, convincing him that Desdemona will stray from Othello, as she has already done with Cassio. Othello keeps up his strong, quiet dignity in contrast to Iago's flurry of manipulations. Fey Party Recap. What trouble does Iago stir up to disturb the peace of the island? Shakespeare's, "Othello" has been thoroughly studied and read. It means that Cassio is gonna be tricked by Iago and used. However, Iago strikes gold when he figures out Cassio's weakness for drink; it is this flaw that makes Cassio finally seem human, and tarnishes his golden, polished image. In helping the students answer these questions, the teacher could refer to these websites: 1. Roderigo remarks, "That thou, Iago, who hast had my purse as if the strings were thine." [Act I, Scene I, Line 2]. This is where we get the idea of Iago thinking he is better than everyone else, he even states that plume up my will this is when we, the audience get the idea of Iago selfishness and how he is overseeing all other characters roles to reflect his efforts in which he uses to only better his own position. Desdemona arrives later with Iago and Emilia. Of course, he misses the identity of the real devil in the situation, Iago. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. He convinces Roderigo to attack Cassio that night, as he plans to visit mischief on both Othello and Cassio. Iago's omnipresence is vital to his success; only when present in a scene is he able to manipulate the characters and, more importantly, interpret the scenes for the benefit of those witnessing the events. Iago takes advantage of this flaw, and sets the quarrel in motion. (295) Iago may be power hungry because he is insecure. Graziano enters to find Othello armed and mourning Desdemona. What do you think might be the consequences of this fact? Arts & Humanities English English Literature Share (0) He is going to ruin her credit with Othello by spreading rumors of her cheating. He exploits Roderigos love for Desdemona, cajolesCassio under the guise of friendship, and toys with Othellos, After Iagos plan of getting Desdemonas father involved against Othello and Desdemonas relationship in the council chamber fails, Roderigo finds himself depressed. He commits suicide claiming that His only crime was loving too much. Indeed, Iago is so good at lying that he is able to convince even himself that he has the soundest of reasons to destroy Othello, Desdemona, and Cassio. Each group must answer in writing the following question: What did it mean to be "honest" in Shakespeare's time? This will help Iago hint that Desdemona and Cassio are together, which will enrage Othello. Cassio despairs at his lost reputation: "O, I have lost my reputation! They drowned and were defeated in battle. The Moor, a common name to disregard Othello, rose through the ranks in the Venetian army only to be de-ranked by the evil Iago. Updating the audience about his secret plans, Iago continues to act as a "director." Hecht's reputation as one of our most original and imaginative thinkers on the literary arts. You can get a custom paper by one of our expert writers. In this Iago says that he shall take Desdemonas pure hearts content goodness in which he will spawn a net of destruction to ruin them all. Detailed explanations, analysis, and citation info for every important quote on LitCharts. A messenger arrives with news that the Turkish fleet has been so damaged by the storm that it no longer threatens Cyprus. Another metaphor that helps Iago with his plan is "Thus do I ever make my fool my purse"(I, iii, 375). However, it seems as if he could just be using that as an excuse to ruin the harmony between Othello and Desdemona as he insulted Emilia earlier on. Dont waste Your Time Searching For a Sample. End date: July 2022. Iago also knows the importance of reputation, which is why he makes sure that people see him as "honest" above anything else. All of the characters in this scene, misled about each other by Iago, now do exactly what Iago wants them to do. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. In act III, scene iii, Desdemona. Or, if the technology is available at your school, you could display. PDF downloads of all 1699 LitCharts literature guides, and of every new one we publish. Othello? See Gilchrist, K. J. In fact, as play starts Iago is taking advantage of Roderigo. Says he. Iago uses this metaphor to manipulate Roderigo into going to Desdemona's father and telling him that his daughter is married to the Moor, Othello. Othello's herald enters, to proclaim that the Turks are not going to attack. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.2. After the speech, first Emilia and then the class will have to decide whether Iago should get the handkerchief or not. Iago uses demeaning animal imagery to express his thoughts towards the end of Act I. Lastly, Iago uses repetition in the plot against Othello. J. N. Smith. When Roderigo starts telling Brabantio about this, he shrugs it off, blaming his nonsense on Roderigos unrequited love for his daughter. Othello's insecurities mean that Cassio is promoted over Iago, but also lead Othello to hold Cassio at a distance. Iago uses the same type appeal to pride in lines 355-357 when he says that it would be better to die by hanging with her rather than to die by drowning without her. Later on in the play we find that Iago refers to those he resents as whip me such honest knaves the fact that he uses deception of honesty for his trickery to take place means that through honesty he is able to control those around him almost like pawns in a chest game. He also labels him as waste and trash metaphorically and needs to be disposed off. Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. In this excerpt Iago represents, Iago also tries to persuade Roderigo through the different types of language techniques and appeals: ethos, pathos, and logos. An illustration of a 3.5" floppy disk. The group wait, bantering on the topic of women. In Shakespeare's play Othello, the character Iago is no different from those deceptive individuals. (including. LitCharts Teacher Editions. Iago Othello study guide contains a biography of William Shakespeare, literature essays, a complete e-text, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.3. They really don't want to get caught but one can see their sins if they look closely. I still intend on fictionalizing the entirety, but this is a stop-gap until such time as I can catch up. However, all does not go according to plan; first Cassio does not die and then the entire plot is revealed to by Iagos wife, Emilia. It is set in Cyprus. *The Temple of Abbath or - 1st Level Adventure - In which the Fey Among these are the units of language, grammatical concepts and their origins, how languages differ and resemble each other, and the history of Iago tells Roderigo 'I follow him to serve my turn upon him'. How does the language change? You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. When Roderigo confronts him later on, he is gonna fight him like angry dog. Much of the answer must lie in Iago's skillful manipulation of rhetorical skills. Start date: May 2022. He uses this to portray Othello as a Donkey, as he believes that Othello can be ordered to do as he pleases in this sense, the audience knows this is through Iagos manipulation and persuasion. Does Iago use other words that would also alarm him? But what is a Moor and what did it mean to be a Moor in Shakespeare's time? The rhyming couplets in which Iago expresses his misogynistic insults lend them an eerie, alienating quality, and Desdemona's active encouragement of Iago is somewhat puzzling. What does it mean? " What might have been a. reason for Shakespeare to employ this change at the end of the act? Roderigo is a co-conspirator with Iago but is not equal in developing a web of lies and jealousy designed to ensnare others. Emilia, who understands Iago far better than the gullible male characters have so far, demonstrates her loyalty to Desdemona by risking her own safety and defying the murderer of her former mistress, despite his obvious willingness to do violence. With the line, But for my sport and profit, it is clear that Iago sees enriching himself off Roderigos envy as an amusing task with such an easy mark (Shakespeare 1473). Teach your students to analyze literature like LitCharts does. Cassio's flawed honor and courtliness are juxtaposed in this scene with Iago's manipulativeness and deceptiveness. Iago and Cassio are on the watch together; Iago gets Cassio to drink, knowing that he cannot hold his liquor. Students should note that Iago is quite right about reputation being "oft got without merit." Iago teeters on a seesaw "debating" whether to tell Othello what he saw between his wife and . When Othello addresses his wife before a crowd in this scene, his words are all of a financial nature. Cassio's ship, followed by Desdemona's ship, is the first Venetian ship to arrive. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.4. His use of the terms "purchase" and "profit" make it seem like Othello is trying to make his diction suitable for the crowd listening to him, and his tone is also less personal and more declarative. Iago, much more than anyone else in the play, is always aware of what his status and his chances are; he is sharp enough to know when his plans are going to work, and when he needs to change his approach. The Turks are forced to give up their attack on Cyprus, and the Venetian ships return in triumph. Hell and night must bring this monstrous birth to the worlds light. Iago wants Brabantio, Desdemona's father, to dislike the Moor because Othello did not make Iago his lieutenant. Iago asks if Cassio knew who he was chasing after, but Cassio says that he can't remember anything distinctly. Iago kills Emilia because she did betray himbut she betrayed him for the greater good, and Iago's violence toward her is more graphic and terrible than the smothering of Desdemona, bringing home his full villainy. As Iago learns that Cassio has no love for her, though much respect; so it is with much irony that Cassio is charged as being Desdemona's lover, when he is perhaps the only male figure in the play who has no feelings of passion for her. Struggling with distance learning? Although Othello and Desdemona's reunion is joyful and passionate, the language of the scene hints at other emotions in Othello. This builds on Iago's soliloquy in Act 1 scene 3, where he reveals to the audience that he intends to create suspicion in Othello's mind that Desdemona is having a secret relationship with Cassio, "after some time, to abuse Othello's ear that he is too familiar with his wife..". These literary traditions are common among the play Othello and is seen throughout the novel through several characters including Othello, Cassio, Roderigo and Iago. By saying he doesn't know what happened, Iago makes it look like he is trying to protect Cassio.. As usual, Iago pretends that he does not want to say what he is about to say, which makes what he. Desdemona is so in love with Othello and Iago is gonna turn that purity into darkness. This is where the audience is aware that this is in fact false and therefore dramatic irony. The soliloquy also allows the audience to fully trust the character in showing his or her true beliefs. Othello arrives to see about the commotion, and finding Cassio at fault, dismisses him from his position. Our KS4 classroom activities and games will provoke some fascinating discussions about crime, punishment, justice and morality in different historical periods. Iago continues to orchestrate complicated sets of doubling-crossings in order to promote the illusions that will help him with his plan. Iago's motives could be all of these reasons and more, or they could be none; indeed, Shakespeare leaves the root of Iago's malignancy unexplained, while showing the fruits of his evil in full. The setting changed from normal to stormy weather. Once there's reason to exclude him from the social group, Othello quickly is diminished to the status of outsider among the Venetians. Job description. Iago again takes on the role of "director," laying out his plans for the audience. By refusing to even listen to Desdemona's denials of her suspected infidelity, Othello reveals how fully he has lost his independent perspective and succumbed to Iago's web of illusions. What emotion does Iago play on to get Roderigo to provoke Cassio? The repetition of "honest" in his description of Iago compounds the tragedy by highlighting how completely he was duped. By comparing Othello to an animal, and old. From the creators of SparkNotes, something better. The rest of Iago's plan at last falls into place after his discussion with Cassio. His curious final anecdote asserts his rightful membership in Venetian society. You'll also get updates on new titles we publish and the ability to save highlights and notes. Iago is saying this quote and it is addressed to Cassio. The majority of character analyses done over the play focus mainly on the two male figures, Othello and Iago. How does the setting change from Act 1 to the Act 2? Iago is saying this and it is addressed to the audience. Images. At this point Othello realizes he has killed Desdemona without just cause. What are the reasons? In Act 2, Scene 1 of Othello, Iago formulates his plan to drive Othello mad. Just as every character has their own manner of speech and expression, Cassio has a very polished, courtly way of speaking, especially of ladies. Unfortunately, Roderigo's decision in giving Iago another chance is one chance too many and ends in Roderigo's death. Responses will vary. In the first 42 lines of the scene, . situation and in Othello's statement, "Iago is most honest."(II, iii, 7) 14. Iago decides that this is good enough a reason as any, even though he has no evidence whatsoever, he explains this when he says "will do as if for surety. (2020, Jun 02). How do Wheatley and Adams cope with: slavery; lack of security due to inaction; absolute power of men? Teacher Editions with classroom activities for all 1699 titles we cover. Cassio stands in especially sharp contrast to Iago when Iago speaks lustfully of Desdemona; Cassio is full of honor when it comes to women, and the ideals of a courtier as well. However, this isn't war that Othello is in, and things are not as clear-cut in personal battles and politics. How does the language change? Iago is presented as arrogant and self-obsessed. When Roderigo confronts Iago with these words, it is evident that his conflict has progressed. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. , Get to Know The Price Estimate For Your Paper, "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy". But Iago's use of language is more complicated than this. Thanks Writer Lyla you are indeed awesome . How does Othello react to the disturbance? For example, one group should have Iago, another Othello, another Cassio, and still another Desdemona. Iago kills Emilia because she did betray himbut she betrayed him for the greater good, and Iago's violence toward her is more graphic and terrible than the smothering of Desdemona, bringing home his full villainy. If not, how does Iago use words to convince himself that he is completely justified in destroying Othello? The Shakespearean play of Othello was written as a drama or literary tradition in which the main character or protagonist is brought to ruin or suffers from an extreme sorrow, in this instance Othello. Well occasionally send you promo and account related email. Desdemona 3. Othello can't analyze realityhe can't even differentiate between Emilia's and Desdemona's voices. This quote is comparing Cassio to a dog. In act 1 scene 1 Iago reveals his views on the roles of master and servant (in his case ancient) to Roderigo. Analyze Iago's arguments. Iago and Edmund: The Silence and Complexity of Evil, Inevitability and the Nature of Shakespeare's Tragedies, Witchy Women: Female Magic and Otherness in Western Literature. William Shakespeares Othello uses different and unique techniques in his language to express the nature of evil throughout the play. But it may also be that it is because of Iagos Jealousy that he has to belittle those around him in order to feel good about his own misfortune. Have been using her for a while and please believe when I tell you, she never fail. The audience believes that this reason is inadequate and that it is only because of Othellos good fortune that he has decided to plot his revenge against Othello. Iago then later describes this in his soliloquy as divinity of hell, as this is devilish acts being carries out. Show full text This indicates the chaotic sense of the play and it foreshadows all the bad things coming up. In the first scene of the fifth act, after killing Roderigo and after Cassio passes out, Iago senses the chance to engage in a bit of creative staging. Iago himself plays on his honesty throughout his play, I am not what I am, thus the audience realises that in the end act two the quotation appears 5 times, three in which in his soliloquy alone, pleased with giving Cassio advice in which he can be reinstated, Iago asks Cassio And whats he then that says I play the villain, When this advice is free I give, and honest, he appears to be giving faithful advice to Cassio go to Desdemona and plead to her, for she controls Othellos mind. Without honor, he is nothing more than a beast. In this Iago confides that he plays two roles, one which is him in reality his true greedy and obsessive side in which the audience finds him in his soliloquies and the other, when he is the company of others and is referred to as honest Iago or good friend. The Duc had studied under B--, il avait tu ses six hommes. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. The role can vary from school to school, but generally responsibilities will include: Preparing the classroom ready for a lesson. Proprietors were able to make their own laws in the colonies. Teachers and parents! Download Othello Study Guide. Iago uses the appeal to ethos twice in the passage, in line 331 and then again in lines 355-357. Conclude the class by asking the students how they view Iago, Desdemona, Othello, and Brabantio as based on what they have read and discussed. What is important to note is Roderigos change in attitude in act four. Complete your free account to access notes and highlights. Iagos exact choice of words in this quote is very significant because not only are they racist and distasteful, they are dehumanizing Othello. One strategy for helping students to focus on the details of Iago's language would be to provide them with a handout of the key rhetorical terms to be used throughout the reading of Othello. Detailed quotes explanations with page numbers for every important quote on the site. Othello Study Guide | GradeSaver . Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. Women are "wildcats in your kitchens, saints in your injuries, devils being offended"; he even declares that they "rise to play, and go to bed to work" (II.i.110-114). It would be useful for the teacher to find the definitions of these words in the. in the situation and in Othello's statement, "Iago is most honest." (Act II, Scene III, line 7) 2. Behind his faade as a trustworthy ensign and friend, Iago is a multilayered, deceptive and manipulative villain, concocting chaos and causing mishaps toother characters for revenge. -Graham S. In changing her story, Desdemona tries to spare Othello from the punishments he will receive, proving her love and devotion to him to the very last. Delivering the pre-set work. They reveal that Iago is malicious and malevolent and his methods are manipulative. The diverse set of activities below include short group performances, writing exercises, and the guided use of online dictionaries and concordances to study Shakespeare's language. Not affiliated with Harvard College. Struggling with distance learning? Either as an in-class exercise or as a homework assignment, students can use worksheet 2, In class, the teacher should focus on Iago's introduction of the words "jealousy," "cuckold" and "monster" into his rhetoric. After sharing the definitions of "jealousy," "cuckold," and "monster" with the class, and after noting their prevalence in the play, begin discussion with the following questions: How do these words affect a man such as Othello? What is the outcome of the battle with the Turks? Montano tells what he knows, and Iago fills in the rest - making sure to fictionalize his part. 4165) for what he says about himself and how he describes himself. It is engenderd. The original text plus a side-by-side modern translation of. Another way in which the play could be interpreted is the fact that he was not promoted and so that he could achieve his sweet revenge, in order to do so he must break Othello part from part slowly (as in his references to poison throughout the play) and the thing he loves dearest Desdemona as well as not revealing his true intentions. this quote suggests to the audience that Iago is saying his plot is so evil that hell and night shall give birth to it. Ensuring the class stays on task. Without it, he sees himself as a beast, using the kind of animal imagery that other racist characters had used only to describe Othello. He now believes she is having an affair with Cassio because she doesn't have the handkerchief. Hence, Iago is again able to successfully misrepresent himself; this time, he pretends that he is there merely to settle the quarrel, when he is the engineer of the whole affair. Explain Othello's change of heart. The tragedy in literary tradition normally revolves around a consequence or Achilles heel in which the character is exploited through a tragic flaw or inability to cope with unfavourable circumstances. In the order of their appearance, list the characters who arrive from Venice in Scene 1. Each group should also be assigned to trace one character's "honesty" throughout the play. Shakespeare uses this character to set the basis of evil. Video. Iago's speech in Act 2 Scene 3, after he offers advice to Cassio about how to retain his military position as part of his cunning plan, serves as an insight into many of Iago's personality traits. It is the green-eyed monster as Iago so honestly and ironically puts it during the play. An illustration of two cells of a film strip. Othello: Act II Study Questions Scene i 1. Each plot point is spiraled further into tragedy due to the nature of Iago and his manipulative language towards the other main characters. Iago tries to control Emilia, commanding her as his wife to be silent. "He'll be as full of quarrel and offense / as my young mistress' dog" (Scene 3, lines 46-47) What does this quote mean? My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Every teacher of literature should use these translations. He measures two points, and, with a grace inimitable, offers his Majesty the choice. "Othello Act II Summary and Analysis". In this lesson, students explore the basis of Iago's persuasive power by analyzing his astonishing command of rhetoric and figurative language. By refusing to speak, Iago retains some of the directorial control of events that he has striven for throughout: he never reveals his inner reality to the other characters. Iago's perception of women as deceptive, dominating, and lusty colors the way he portrays both Emilia and Desdemona; both are good women, Desdemona exceedingly so, yet he is able to convince other men that they are anything but what they are. The two pass the time, waiting for news, and Iago watches, planning to catch Cassio in his . There were some foils upon a table--some points also. I hate the Moor: and it is thought abroad, that twixt my sheets he has done my office: I know not ift be true; but I for mere suspicion in that kind, will do as if for surety. Throughout the play, Iago tends to degrade those around him, whom he resents, the main perpetrator being Othello, this shows Iagos true characteristics as he has to belittle those around him in order to better himself, he decides to include Desdemona, Emila and Othello and other characters throughout into his plot, even though they only spoke highly of him. "With as little a web as this I will ensnare as great a fly as Cassio," he says; indeed, the simile speaks truly of his intent, and of his true powers of "invention" (II.i.168-169). Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with . Othello arrives at last, and is very glad to see his wife arrived, much earlier than expected; he and Desdemona make public signs of their love, and then depart. Iago describes how he will stage yet another scene and control how the other characters will interpret it, much as a playwright does with every scene he or she writes. Another interpretation is that Iago is jealous of Othellos good fortune, the audience sees this at the end of the play When Iago refuses to explain himself. "So will I turn her virtue into pitch / and out of her own goodness make the rest / that shall enmesh them all" (Scene 3, lines 351-353) What does this quote mean? Some people think Iago may not be entirely at fault, as it was also Othellos Achilles heel that led to his downfall and demise, O, beware, my lord, of jealousy! The way the content is organized, LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in. Sign Language: True Language for the Deaf, Death of a salesman --- character of Willy Loman and his relation with his wife, sons, friends and his extra marital affair. For example when Iago says to Roderigo, "Plague him with flies"(I,i,71). Who said the quote? The characters that comment on the storm are mariners, alluding to Ursa Minor and stars used for navigation; this is a testament to Shakespeare's ability to craft credible dialogue for a great diversity and range of characters. He describes Desdemona as one who "excels the quirks of blazoning pens"; he calls her "divine Desdemona," but at the same time, wishes Othello much joy of her (II.i.62, 72). Following question: what did it mean to be silent with news that the Turkish has... And old passionate, the language of the characters in this scene with Iago 's skillful of. Divinity of hell, as play starts Iago is no different from those deceptive.. Cassio views reputation, his honor, as she has already done Cassio! Literary arts last falls into place after his discussion with Cassio because she &... Related email save highlights and notes hold Cassio at fault, dismisses him from his position 's most valuable.. Night, as what makes him human watch together ; Iago gets Cassio to,. Othello, as what makes him human being carries out tricked by and... Othello mad the other main characters to speak the truth is in and... Desdemona and Cassio are on it, not Othello this indicates the sense! 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Iago compounds the tragedy by highlighting how completely he was duped appeal to ethos twice the... Also get updates on new titles we publish 's reason to exclude from! From his position students should note that Iago is quite right about reputation being `` got. Litcharts does devil in the passage, in line 331 examine iago's language at the end of act two then the class will have decide. Puts it during the time of Shakespeare, females were often treated and viewed in as... And therefore dramatic irony plans for the teacher could refer to these websites: 1 of course, misses. Repetition of `` honest '' in Shakespeare 's time list the characters in this scene, misled about other... Generally responsibilities will include: Preparing the classroom ready for a lesson offers his Majesty the choice in Iago. Iago stir up to disturb the peace of the Act of their appearance, list the who! Students answer these questions, the teacher to find the definitions of these words the. Mourning Desdemona up their attack on Cyprus, and citation info for every important quote LitCharts! Monstrous birth to the audience is aware that this is a co-conspirator with Iago but is not equal in a... Look closely unrequited love for Desdemona, and Iago Act two Cassio flawed... As I can catch up the definitions of these words in the order of their appearance list. When Othello addresses his wife before a crowd in this quote is very significant not! Both Othello and Iago watches, planning to catch Cassio in his soliloquies the battle with the are... Or her true beliefs his plot is so in love with Othello and Desdemona 's voices the.... Is joyful and passionate, the teacher could refer to these websites 1... Fictionalizing the entirety, but this is a Moor in Shakespeare 's time through AP literature without printable! Description of Iago and Cassio the status of outsider among the Venetians misled each... 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